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Coordination Committees

At both airports Slot Coordination Committees (SCC) have been established which meet regularly. The Committees shall assist the Slot Coordinator in a consultative capacity and fulfills its duties in accordance with the regulations of the Swiss aviation law and the relevant EU regulations applicable for Switzerland.

The Committees shall:

  • Advice on possibilities to increase the capacity determined
  • Advice on improvements to traffic conditions prevailing
  • Mediate complaints in relation to the allocation of slots
  • Advice on methods for the monitoring of the use of the allocated slots
  • Advice on guidelines for the allocation of slots taking into account the local conditions
  • Advice on severe problems for New Entrants
  • Advice on questions related to airport capacity

The committees will be informed about significant performance deviations and possible slot misuse to decide on further actions or sanctions.

Constitution Coordination Committee Geneva  [PDF, 29.0 KB]
Constitution Coordination Committee Zurich  [PDF, 29.0 KB]

Annual meetings

The annual Coordination Committee meetings take place usually in April at both airports. For meeting details please contact