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Out of Office Message Handling

Slot Coordination Switzerland provides a coordination service Monday-Friday from 0800 to 1700CET (excluding public holidays); registered OCS customers will have 24 hours access to their slot portfolio. For requests or changes of General & Business aviation (GA/BA) flights see here.

Our coordination system automatically processes and replies SCR messages received outside of our office hours ("OOH Self Reply") as follows:

  • if requested time is available the message will be confirmed
  • if requested time is not available the closest time will be confirmed without offer
  • if requested time is not available and no closer time can be allocated your request will be replied with action code "U" (unable)
  • a message which cannot be automatically processed due various reasons is being returned including an SI containing the applicable information or error text

Please mind following conditions:

  • Only messages received during and for the applicable OOH period (incl. next business day) will be processed automatically
  • SCR must be correctly formatted (according to IATA SSIM manual chapter 6 standards)
  • Data for flight to be changed/deleted must correspond with our coordinated data held
  • An incorrectly formatted SCR message or a message containing invalid data is automatically rejected and must be resent with correct data
  • SCR containing a retrospective change is automatically rejected